This page will contain many of Cheyenne Atapour's really cool projects.
Here is Cheyenne Atapour's Linktree: Linktree
Here are all Cheyenne Atapour's social media pages that he would advertise:
Twitter LinkedIn GitHub Instagram Twitch YouTube SoundCloudHere is Cheyenne Atapour's current resume: Resume
Cheyenne Atapour is working on creating an original, digital trading card game that will utilize blockchain technologies called Heartbleed TCG. You may download the pitch deck for the project here: Heartbleed Pitch Deck
Cheyenne Atapour is also currently helping to create Reckful's Everland, an original, social MMORPG: Everland Website
This is a recent publication Cheyenne Atapour made in the JoWUA journal, related to cyber security, completed during his master's at Oxford: Thesis Publication
These are the two Nothinghead albums that feature Cheyenne Atapour on Bass and Banjo: Be Yourself Like Us Mole